Today by chance, I saw that my friend shared 2 professional photos, so I took the liberty to put it on the blog for the whole family to read. Here are the photos: Here is image 1 – calculate the weight of the criteria. In this photo, the author uses the pairwise comparison method to Full Article…
How To Make A Name For Yourself In HR in 3 Simple Steps!
By Alan Collins | This week I got two requests to speak at HR conferences where he recommended tools like this new check stubs creator. Tests can be used by HR professionals to determine their core and desired values for the position. Brain research assist with figuring out what the position includes, as need Full Article…
Why Networking in Human Resources Doesn’t Work Anymore (And What You Should Do Instead)
Why Networking in Human Resources Doesn’t Work Anymore (And What You Should Do Instead) By Alan Collins | Let me make a confession. Networking is a pain. And if you’re like me, you’re probably horrible at it. So, I don’t do it anymore. But that doesn’t stop me from reaching out to meet new Full Article…
One Brutal Truth That Will Make You A Better HR Professional in 2014…
By Alan Collins | Don’t read this if your HR career is going great. Enjoy the rest of your day, this article isn’t for you. But it’s still early in 2014…and if you want to make this year your BEST YEAR YET in HR…then there is one brutally harsh truth you must embrace. For Full Article…
Working With HR Clients From Hell? Here Are Two Quick Tips For Dealing With Them…
Working With HR Clients From Hell? Here Are Two Quick Tips For Dealing With Them… By Alan Collins | successinhr.Com/hr-clients-from-hell On a few occasions, I’ve had the delightful privilege of working with the client from hell. You know the type… The client that doesn’t think HR can do anything right. The client you dread getting Full Article…
HR Career Going Nowhere? Willing to Try These 4 Simple Steps to Get It Moving Again?
By Alan Collins | Late at night, in your most reflective moments, do you wonder if your HR career has crashed? If so, is this why you decided to check out this article — which consists of nothing but QUESTIONS — to help you find out? Good, I’m glad you did…so if you want Full Article…
What Is a Payroll Audit?
A payroll audit is an inspection of payroll records by a third party. The audit can be conducted for a variety of reasons, ranging from a desire to confirm internally that payroll information is correct to an inspection on behalf of an insurance company to determine the appropriate amount of the premium for workers’ compensation Full Article…
What Is Human Resources Accounting?
Human resources accounting (HRA), also known as human resource accounting or human resource management accounting, is a type of accounting that seeks to determine the cost and value of people, also known as human capital, working in an organization. The value of an organization’s human capital is not only calculated in terms of salaries and Full Article…
The #1 Mistake HR Professionals Make in Getting a Mentor…
By Alan Collins I’ve never, ever met a successful HR leader who hasn’t had at least TWO influential mentors in their lives. HR professionals that have mentors have an edge over those that don’t. They perform better on the job. They get promoted more quickly. They earn higher salaries. And they report more job and Full Article…
HR Professionals – Here Are 9 Proven Ways To Retain Your Top Talent…& Advance Your Own Career!
by Alan Collins | Surprisingly, I’m a fan of LeBron James (pictured left with wife, Savannah). He’s a world champion and one of the best basketball players that ever lived. So what’s not to like. Unfortunately, quite a bit! A lot of haters out there absolutely despise him for the horribly “insensitive” way he Full Article…
Worried About Getting Fired? Here’s How To Create Your Own Job Security in HR…
by Alan Collins | successinhr.Com/job-security-in-hr When Marissa Mayer (pictured left) left Google and joined Yahoo as the new CEO, she did something significant. Shortly after she took over, she fired the VP of HR, David Windley. Following him out the door was his #2 HR exec, Talent Acquisition Leader Grant Bassett. Why did she do this? Because she Full Article…
The Horrible Lie That Just About Everyone In HR Tells Themselves…
By Alan Collins | successinhr.Com/horrible-lie-in-hr My eyesight used to be bad. Very bad. I’ve worn glasses since I was eight years old. But that all changed recently. Here’s what happened. A few weeks ago, I took my bi-annual eye exam and my optometrist gave me some distressing news. He told me that I had an Full Article…
When the Headhunter Calls
I sat on a panel at a job-search-advice event alongside a career placement person, a professor and a search guy, also known as a third-party recruiter. I have tons of headhunter friends and I may have even dated a recruiter or two somewhere along the way, but my fellow panelist that night was not someone Full Article…
Should You Hire or Outsource HR?
Dear Evil HR Lady, I run a small business with around 45 employees. I'm in the restaurant/retail/convenience store industry. We are looking to keep expanding the food end of our business with more restaurants. From what I have been reading my company is supposedly right in the sweet spot for outsourcing HR. I want to Full Article…
When You Screw Up in HR, Memorize and Say These 4 Magic Phrases…
By Alan Collins As HR pros, we all make mistakes. Or say the wrong thing at the right time. Or misjudge a situation from time to time. But not everyone in our profession will confess to their screw ups…especially in high stress, corporate environments where others are watching and judging us every day. However, Full Article…
Top HR Trends for 2013
With the rise of cloud-computing, social media, Big Data and mobile, few corporate departments will start the New Year unchanged. The biggest trends in Human Resources software over the past year will continue to have an impact throughout 2013. When you consider that the 2012 HR Technology Conference had the highest attendance in the 15-year Full Article…
2013, the top 5 HR trends
The economic slowdown, which began in 2008, is yet to leave its gloomy retreat from the world By Pramath Nath India’s growth story has drastically slowed down due to the cascading effect of the slow global economy. Organisations are suffering, employees are confused and HR – the profession – has been unofficially assigned the unenviable Full Article…
3 trends HR can expect in 2013
What changes will the workplace undergo this coming year? Here are three major trends you can expect to see in the workplace in 2013: Flextime and telecommuting will continue to grow. Flextime and telecommuting have been found to have positive effects on everything from retention to employee health, so it’s no surprise that both will Full Article…
Five HR technology trends for 2013 — and three critical action items
While the cloud, social, mobile and big data have all affected HR software in the past year, perhaps the most significant among 2012′s HR technology trends was simply the rise in interest. Considering that the 2012 HR Technology Conference was the most heavily attended in the event’s 15-year history, it’s evident that HR managers want Full Article…
Top HR Trends for 2013
The coming year promises to be one of change when it comes to the way businesses take care of the HR and payroll needs. Past years have seen a great deal of diversity, even within a single company, in how these things are handled. Not all these trends are going to be simple measures for Full Article…